
 事の発端は、コロラドスプリングスにあるAir Force Academy(空軍士官学校-AFA)のPrep School(AFA Preparetory SchoolーAFA入学準備校)の宿舎で、黒人生徒の部屋の前の連絡ボードに「Go Home N****」という黒人への人種差蔑の落書きがあったことである。

 AFA Prep Schoolと言うのは、一部学科のみが規準に満たなかった等で「AFA入校いま一歩。惜しい!」のポテンシャルの認められる者を指名してAFA入校再チャレンジのチャンスを与えたり、或いは空軍一般隊員からAFA入校を目指す者で学科のリフレッシュが必要な者などに、空軍士官学校に準じた規律の中で1年弱の再履修教育を行う入学準備校である。

 もちろんPrep Schoolを卒業したからと言ってAFA入校が保証されているわけではなく、卒業生の約8割ほどがAFA入校を果たしているようである。

 「らく書き」、それも「人種差蔑」のモノなどが校律に反するのは勿論であり、早速調査が行われて然るべき処置が取られ、Prep School学校長などが注意喚起をするであろうが、ここコロラドスプリングスは将来米空軍の幹部として部隊でリーダーシップを発揮することになる若者達を育てているところである。 これは放置できない重大な事と空軍士官学校長Silveria中将は判断した。



 肌の色や性別、出自に関係無く能力の有る者がその持てる能力を存分に発揮できる機会が平等に与えられ、公正に評価されているようでなければ、その組織が本来持っている戦力を100%引き出すことなど不可能である。 有事に臨んで、本来要らぬ筈の犠牲を生じてしまったり、遂には敗退の憂き目すら見ることになってしまう。





☆☆☆ Lt Gen. Jay Silveria's full speech ☆☆☆

Ladies and gentlemen, you may have heard that some people down in the prep school wrote some racial slurs on some message boards. If you haven’t heard that, I wanted you to hear it from me. If you’re outraged by those words then you’re in the right place. That kind of behavior has no place at the prep school, it has no place at USAFA, and it has no place in the US Air Force.

You should be outraged, not only as an airman, but as a human being. And I’ll tell you, that the appropriate response for horrible language and horrible ideas, the appropriate response is a better idea. So that’s why I’m here. That’s why all these people are up here on the staff tower, so let me have everybody who’s up here please pull forward to the rails. Also, there’s so many people here, they’re lining the outsides along the windows. These are members of the faculty, coaching staff, AOC’s, AMT’s, from the airfield, from my staff, from my headquarters, all aspects of the 10th Airbase Wing, all aspects that make up USAFA and the United States Air Force Academy leadership is here. You heard from Brigadier General Goodwin, Brigadier General Armacost is here, Colonel Block from the athletic department is here, Mr. Knowlton is in Washington, DC right now.

That’s why they’re here. That’s why we’re all here, because we have a better idea. Some of you may think that that happened down in the prep school and doesn’t apply to us. I would be naive and we would all be naive to think that everything is perfect here. We would be naive to think that we shouldn’t discuss this topic. We would also be tone-deaf not to think about the backdrop of what’s going on in our country. Things like Charlottesville and Ferguson, the protests in the NFL, that’s why we have a better idea. One of those ideas, the Dean brought people together to discuss Charlottesville because what we should have is a civil discourse and talk about these issues, that’s a better idea.

We received outstanding feedback from that session at Charlottesville, but I also have a better idea and it’s about our diversity, and its the power of the diversity, the power of the 4,000 of you and all of the people that are on the staff tower and lining the glass, the power of us as a diverse group, the power that we come from all walks of life, that we come from all parts of this country, that we come from all races, we come from all backgrounds, gender, all makeup, all upbringing. The power of that diversity comes together and makes us that much more powerful. that’s a much better idea than small thinking and horrible ideas. We have an opportunity here, 5,500 people in this room, to think about what we are as an institution. This is our institution and no one can take away our values. No one can write on a board and question our values. No one can take that away from us.

So just in case you’re unclear on where I stand on this topic, I’m going to leave you with my most important thought today: If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you can’t teach someone from another gender, whether that’s a man or a woman, with dignity and respect, then you need to get out. If you demean someone in any way, then you need to get out. And if you can’t treat someone from another race or a different color skin with dignity and respect, then you need to get out.

Reach for your phones. I’m serious, reach for your phones. OK, you don’t have to reach for your phones, I’m going to give you an opportunity to reach for your phones. I want you to videotape this so that you can have it, so that you can use it, so that we all have the moral courage together, all of us on the staff tower lining the glass, all of us in this room. This is our institution, and if you need it, and you need my words, then you keep these words. And you use them and you remember them and you share them and you talk about them. If you can’t treat someone with dignity and respect, then get out.






Honor Code: We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.

Honor Oath: We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.  Furthermore, I resolve to do my duty and to live honorably, (so help me God).

Spirit of the Code: Do the right thing and live honorably.
